Our Branch

Our branch is run by a committed group of individual volunteers. The Officers and Stewards are all volunteers who are involved in consultations and negotiations on Terms and Conditions with the University on behalf of UNISON members.

UNISON University of Sheffield works with our members on a variety of causes and campaigns but throughout all our work we aim to provide our members the ability to enact the change they want to see; with the full support of 1.3 million voices.

A short list of our officers and stewards is below, if you wish to make a general inquiry to the branch please email unison@sheffield.ac.uk



Branch Secretary
Richard Holmes (r.holmes@sheffield.ac.uk)

Ass. Branch Secretary
Maureen Howard (m.j.howard@sheffield.ac.uk)

Will Hardiman (w.hardiman@sheffield.ac.uk)
Natalie Faulkner (n.faulkner@sheffield.ac.uk)

Maria Baldam (m.baldam@sheffield.ac.uk)

Health & Safety Officers
Nic Stewart (nic.stewart@amrc.co.uk)

Welfare Officer
Sarah Shahid (s.shahid@sheffield.ac.uk)

Equality Officer
Sarah Shahid (s.shahid@sheffield.ac.uk)

Membership Officer
Aodan Marken (a.marken@sheffield.ac.uk)

Communications Officer
Vacant role

LGBT+ Officer
Vacant role

Retired Members Officer
Vacant role

Disabled Members Officer
Vacant role

Regrading Officer
Vacant role


Automatic Control and Systems Engineering
Richard Holmes  (r.holmes@sheffield.ac.uk)

Sociological Studies
Maureen Howard (m.j.howard@sheffield.ac.uk)
Amanda Fray (a.fray@sheffield.ac.uk )

Information Commons
Will Hardiman (w.hardiman@sheffield.ac.uk)

Natalie Faulkner (n.faulkner@sheffield.ac.uk)

IT Services
Suzie Murray (s.murray@sheffield.ac.uk )
Aodan Marken (a.marken@sheffield.ac.uk)

Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Ben Pearson (ben.pearson@sheffield.ac.uk)

English Language Teaching Centre (ELTC)
Sarah Shahid (s.shahid@sheffield.ac.uk)

Department for Lifelong Learning
Maria Baldam (m.baldam@sheffield.ac.uk

Global Engagement
Jessica Bream (Jessica.bream@sheffield.ac.uk )

Sarah Broadhurst (s.broadhurst@sheffield.ac.uk)
Health and Safety Reps


Workplace Reps

Sian Williams (sian.williams@sheffield.ac.uk)

Demaine Boocock (d.boocock@sheffield.ac.uk )

Faculty Of Science

Rosie Lynch (r.s.lynch@sheffield.ac.uk)

Computer Sciences & ACSE
Health and Safety Reps

Don’t forget you can always contact the UNISON branch office unison@sheffield.ac.uk and they’ll direct your enquiry