Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is coming up on Thursday 11th March, at 1pm and will take place on Google Meet.
Important AGM papers have been emailed to members as they are needed for the meeting: Branch report, Budget and year end accounts and the officers, stewards and workplace list. These documents will be taken as read as they need to be voted on.
– Hear what UNISON is doing for you at the University of Sheffield
– Elect your branch officers and stewards
– Learn about how your membership fees are spent locally and nationally
– Ask questions, make suggestions and have your say on the running of the branch
The AGM provides your chance to have a say in how UNISON’s University of Sheffield Branch is run – it is our democratic right as Trade Union members. If you have any suggestions on things the branch can do to improve or would like to know more about what we’re doing, then please come along and contribute. You’ll also get the opportunity to meet and chat to your stewards/reps.
It’s important for members to attend, as the branch can only make decisions if we meet a minimum required attendance, and we need this to enable the branch to run properly. Even if you don’t want to say anything, please do come along and vote so that you can still have your say.
Thursday 11 March Time: 1–2pm AGM Business
Google Meet link has been emailed to members.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Best wishes
UNISON University of Sheffield Branch Committee